June Review - a year-long celebration! 

Bruce and Marian Fischer

As part of our 50th anniversary, Foundation is celebrating our fund donors, and sharing their philanthropic motivation. In this feature, Bruce and Marian Fischer explain how they hope to make a difference.


Bruce and Marian Fischer opened their Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF) fund in June 2019.

What prompted you to open your fund?
“We believe in sustaining giving. We want to build up our fund so that it gives forever. We like the fact that we can choose which Jewish and non-Jewish charities will benefit from our funds. We also like that we can change our choices if so desired and the fees are very low – so we are happy that most of the funds will go directly to the charities and not to administration.

On which occasions do you add to your fund?
“We don’t give gifts to our family as they don’t need anything. So now we make donations to our fund and the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation sends out a nice card. We also make gifts to our fund for birthdays, weddings, and engagements of family and friends.”

Please describe your Jewish journey.
Bruce: “I went to summer camp, Jewish day school, and visited Israel.”

Your most impactful Jewish experience?
Bruce: “My grandfather sent each grandchild to Israel as a gift.”

Which Jewish and non-Jewish causes are you particularly passionate about?
Bruce: “Micro financing in Third World countries, and sustaining Jewish life in Ottawa through the schools”

Marian: “Creating community in the larger context.” 
Both: “Any kind of organization that helps marginalized people, for example Jewish Family Services; groups that help people of all faiths, and interfaith organizations that help promote understanding.”

Why do want to make a difference?
“Because we can and we are in position to do so. We want to give back to those less fortunate, and because it is our duty. We are glad we are able to do something positive.

[Bruce mentioned his father came to Canada in 1947 as a war orphan and was helped by many Jewish organizations. Later, his father was able to give back to these organizations and instilled in his kids that they should do likewise.]

What is your legacy?
“To have made some kind of a difference. To be good parents, to promote kindness, and to instill good values in our kids.”

Bruce and Marian Fischer love the fact that Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation is well managed, has low administration fees, a very good rate of return and that they have the ability to redirect their donations when and where needed, and that Foundation gives them tremendous flexibility. They also like the fact that Foundation provides them with the ability to manage their charitable giving.

Bruce and Marian Fischer