Lion of Judah Endowment

Be a Lion and play a vital role in your community

As a Lion of Judah, you play a vital role in your community. With 16,000 other Lions around the world, you are a part of a driving force that, over the past 35 years, has shaped philanthropy for Jewish women.


By creating a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE), you can go one step further to become a guardian of your community. In making this commitment, you will serve as a role model for peers and set an outstanding example for future generations.


Through LOJE, you will help strengthen the community you have built for many generations to come. Locally, our resources will preserve the Ottawa Jewish community through enhanced Jewish education and other vital programs that bond young people with their Jewish heritage. Globally, your dollars will ensure that no Jew goes to bed hungry and that Jewish communities are cared for with dignity throughout the world. Through Lion of Judah Endowments, you can truly express your commitment to tikkun olam – perfecting the world.


The Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) is your permanent fund to support the Ottawa Jewish community. This fund, created to endow your gift to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Annual Campaign, allows your lifelong investment in your community to continue in perpetuity, providing help whenever and wherever it will be needed. It is your lasting legacy for the future.


Every woman who contributes $5,000 or more to her community's annual campaign can create a LOJE by establishing a fund of $100,000 or more in her name, ensuring perpetuation of her Lion of Judah level annual campaign gift.


A Lion who has created an endowment is recognized on an international level with the addition of the prestigious Or L’Atid flame added to her Lion of Judah pin – an internationally recognized symbol of dedication to the Jewish people.


The Or L’Atid flame, or “light unto the future”, announces to the Jewish world a woman’s commitment to the continuation of Jewish life – a commitment that goes beyond her own generation, and beyond her children’s. It is a commitment to the eternal well being of the Jewish people and to a historical legacy of caring, loving kindness and social justice.



Hear them roar: The Lions of Judah shown after participating in a Lobby Day at Parliament Hill.

How can a Lion of Judah donor make a LOJE commitment?


In recognition of different estate planning and tax objectives, a LOJE can be easily and positively designed to match an individual’s personal circumstances with great benefits and can help a Lion of Judah realize her philanthropic visions. This fund can take the form of insurance policies, bequests, or transfer of stocks and bonds.


As you consider the legacy you hope to leave, you should take great pride in the difference you have made in your lifetime and the continued impact of your generosity for years to come.


For more information about the Lion of Judah Endowment, please contact Yudit Simmons, Senior Manager,  Annual and Planned Giving at or 613-798-4696 ext. 296.