Women's Collective Philanthropy Program

The Women’s Collective Philanthropy Program (WCPP) is designed to use the power of Collective Philanthropy to nurture and maintain a systemic difference in the status of women and children.


Our goals are to ENGAGE, EDUCATE and EMPOWER women to become catalysts for social change. We do this through the growth of the Women’s Collective Endowment Fund (WCEF), which supports initiatives and training that expand and improve opportunities and choices in the lives of Jewish women and children. The WCEF is a fund of the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation.

In keeping with their individual capacity and WCPP goals, members are encouraged to join at the following levels:

  • Member: $100
  • Friend: $360
  • Supporter: $720
  • Mentor: $1,000
  • Builder: $1,800
  • Champion: $5,000 +


After completing payment of the initial pledge, WCPP members are encouraged to continue their commitment by annual/ongoing donations to the WCEF.

Becoming a member means that as we develop and expand the number of women who connect with us, we will be providing opportunities to allow us to come together and raise the profile of women's philanthropy. Even if you are not a member of the Women's Collective Philanthropy Program, anyone can make a contribution to the "Women's Collective Endowment Fund".


All contributions to the Fund help in providing support for services and programs that benefit women and children in our community. Donations made to the "Women's Collective Endowment Fund" through the Tribute Card Program are acknowledged with a tribute card designed by a local artist.


What is the Women's Collective Endowment Fund (WCEF)?


The WCEF is a fund established through the Womens Collective Philanthropy Program that seeks to bring about social change by supporting initiatives and training that strive to expand and improve opportunities and choices in the lives of women and children.


This Fund, directed by the Women's Collective Philanthropy Program, is designed to use the power of collective philanthropy to nurture and maintain a systemic difference in the status of women and children. For more information or to be involved with the Women's Collective Philanthropy Program, please contact Michael Reznick, Director of Development, at mreznik@jewishottawa.com or 613-798-4696 ext. 272.

The WCPP Grant Program supports:

• Initiatives that strive to expand and improve opportunities and choices in the lives of women and children in Ottawa’s Jewish community; and 
• Funding of innovative initiatives, training and education by individuals and/or organizations to help women and children in our community.

Find out more here.